December 16, 2009
Christmas cocktails :: Here's to Santa!
Lincoln Chinnery READ TIME: 5 MIN.
For some people, Thanksgiving is the most stressful time of year; for others, it's Tax Day. For my Aunt Charlotte it's Christmas. The 24 days leading up to Christmas is a constant reminder of all the things she has to do:
1. Plan the menu
2. Visit Costco
3. Prepare enough food to keep my Cousin Mookie happy. He's 3 feet tall--lying down!
4. Check and recheck the table-seating arrangements.
Let's just say during the '07 Chinnery Thanksgiving dinner a Turkey leg 'accidentally' hit my Uncle Chris in the head because he did an unflattering (but funny) impersonation of Oprah.
With that in mind, I've gathered together a list of Holiday concoctions that will help bring in the holiday cheer and chase away any Yuletide funk.
Kentucky Eggnog:
My Aunt Charlotte invented Kentucky Egg Nog a few years ago and it turned a house full of travel weary adults into a litter of drink happy adults quicker than you can say 'Don't make me turn this car around!'
Kentucky Eggnog:
1 cup of Drambuie
1 can of Evaporated Milk
� cup of Baileys
1 Gallon of Egg Nog
3 shots of Barcardi 151
Couple pinches Cinnamon
Slowly pour the liquors into a punch bowl and stir. Add Egg Nog and evaporated milk to reach desired thickness. Grate fresh cinnamon over top of the punch for an extra special touch. Cover and place in fridge over night.
Maker’s Mark Mulled Cider
In my family we have a few lactose intolerant people, for them I make tasty bourbon fueled mulled cider. This is not your grandfather's cider, not unless he carried two flasks of Maker's Mark everywhere he went. - Not that my grandfather did. My Uncle James is a different story.
Maker's Mark Mulled Cider:
2 cups of Maker's Mark
6 cups of apple cider
1 sliced lemon
6 cloves
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
3 cinnamon sticks
Combine Maker's Mark and cider. Add the sliced lemon with rind, cloves, allspice and sticks of cinnamon. Heat to boiling and serve. This recipe makes enough for ten people or just enough for my Aunt Mindy and me.
Zen Moment
If hot cider or creamy Nog doesn't jingle your bells I recommend this fruity crowd pleaser. This punch has a sweet zing to it and won't leave you with a killer hangover half way through dinner. It's a light, zest drink that goes down easy and just make just make sure you don't leave your cup around the kids. My ten-year-old niece Rebecca managed to sneak a few sips from a stray cup and slept through the meal. No worries, she recovered the next day with craving for bacon, eggs and cheese grits and a headache that could stop time.
Zen Moment
1 cup Zen Green Tea Liqueur
3 cups Sauvignon Blanc
1 cup 7UP
Squeeze of Lemon
Add all ingredients to pitcher filled with ice and stir. Garnish with Lemon slice.
Beyond punches and ciders, I've made cocktails for my family members to enhance the meal and take the pressure off first time guests. My stepsister Rochelle brought a potential suitor to Thanksgiving one year. The young man brought a bottle of Drambuie and nervously asked me to make him a drink. Thankfully, my aunt keeps a fully stocked bar, so I was able to make the following drinks:
Dolce Vita
2 shots Drambuie
� a glass of Champagne
Pour the 2 shots of Drambuie to a Champagne glass then fill with Champagne. Garnish with a twist of orange zest or cinnamon sprinkle.
Vanilla Spice Cocktail
1 shot of Drambuie
1 shot of Van Gogh Vanilla Vodka
� cup of Cranberry Juice
Shake Drambuie, Van Gogh vanilla vodka and cranberry juice together. Then pour everything into a pre-chilled martini glass.
Lincoln C. Chinnery III is a freelance writer whose main areas of interest include dining, movies and nightlife. Lincoln welcomes questions and comments via email at