Drag Superstar Bianca Del Rio Explains Why She Wants to Wreak Havoc on the World Again with Latest Tour

Steve Duffy READ TIME: 8 MIN.

Bianca Del Rio

EDGE: For you, are there any subjects in comedy that are off-limits?

Bianca Del Rio: Hell, no! I'm a drag queen. As gay people, they are ruining our lives right now. They are taking away our drag brunch. This is horrible. They're taking away our mimosas. We can't have this. No, I don't think anything's off-subject, as long as it's funny. That's the game here. I think that through social media, we have forgotten that humor is what matters. I think in print things look one way, and I think hearing it secondhand is another thing, but having it heard on stage in the moment with context is what makes it fun. So, no. I'm the biggest joke there is. So, there is nothing off-limits.

EDGE: Do you think that you can get away with saying things because you are in drag?

Bianca Del Rio: I look at it this way: Drag is the packaging for me to say the things that I say and help others to find the humor in it. I also want to find people to laugh with me. If I wasn't in drag, then I guess that'd just be a politician. Wouldn't that be the same? At least I add a little glamor to it.

EDGE: Your touring must-haves are...

Bianca Del Rio: I am beyond fortunate. I know you're going to think touring is glamorous, but it's not. I don't have the luxury of spending days in certain cities or staying in amazing hotels. That's not my thing. When I'm out on the road, I'm out to work. We spend a night in one city, and then I am in another the next night.

I am fortunate enough to travel by bus, which is a huge blessing in my life. Many years ago we traveled by plane, which was quite challenging, because we had to drag all my luggage around. That's why they call it drag – you are always dragging a suitcase from one place to another. Having the bus is amazing, and I'm so grateful I get my little room on the bus. One must-have is having the bus properly air conditioned and properly heated, because we we are going all through America and Canada and, following that, we continue all over the globe.

White wine is definitely needed. As I said, I'm a fancy lady who drinks that now because I can't do the red because of my acid reflux. So, white wine is a must-have, and on occasion you might need a Xanax if the roads get a little rough.

I don't think I have to mention eyelashes and a wig. Those are the three things that have made my life a lot easier. Some people say that I need therapy, but I say all I need is wine and a little Xanax to help me.

Bianca Del Rio

EDGE: Your superpower is making people laugh. When did you realize that you were funny?

Bianca Del Rio: I don't know if funny was ever the word they used when I was younger. It was an F-word, but it was never funny. I think I knew that I was different. When you're told that you're different, and I don't mean different in an "Oprah Winfrey" way. I was not like everyone else. I didn't have the same interests as my brother or my cousins, so I knew I was different. I guess the best way to stand out was to make fun of myself or to just go along with what they were saying or laughing about. That's kind of always been my nature. Then, as I got older, I realized just saying the truth gets me a laugh. Let's be real here: No matter how you break it down, underneath all of this I'm still a person. I find it very interesting now that, as made up and painted as I am, the more honest that I am the more enjoyment people get from me.

EDGE: Where do you find humor?

Bianca Del Rio: In the mirror. I was having this conversation with someone else recently that I am so demented and dead inside that I can even find humor at a funeral. There you are in that moment where you're thinking, "Oh, my friend is gone, and what do I do?" And then your brain goes to, "This bitch owes me $20, and now she's dead." I try to find humor in all of it, and sometimes it's in the wrong places and at the wrong times, but I guess that's the gift of it.

EDGE: How do you describe yourself in three words?

Bianca Del Rio: Fearless, clown, and obnoxious.

EDGE: Why should people come out and see this tour?

Bianca Del Rio: Because I am ready to wreak havoc on the world. I'm ready to come back and have a good time. I think everybody deserves a good time out. I'm starting in January, which means the holidays are over and hopefully you have gotten rid of your family, so now it's time to treat yourself to something wonderful and funny. I think it's important just to get out and laugh.

Follow this link for upcoming dates of "Dead Inside" tour.

by Steve Duffy

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