Survey: Most Gay and Bi Men Don't Wear Condoms

Colton Wooten READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Condomless sex may be risky sex, but that won't stop most gay and bisexual men.

GMFA, a charity devoted to gay men's health, recently surveyed 523 men who have sex with men. They found 65 percent of the group said that they did not use condoms the last time they had sex, while 35 percent of the control group said that they did.

Since the advent of PreP - what some have hailed as the miracle salt of a pre-exposure prophylactics - many men have claimed to feel set free from the restrictive latex barriers of condoms, and that sex has become more safely intimate, "because bareback sex doesn't always equate to risky sex," reports the GMFA.

However, the risk of HIV infection among men who have sex with men, which still prevails as the primary concern among the gay community, is not the only consideration to be made: "The first time I had chlamydia, I had symptoms and caught it from an anonymous fuck in a sauna," admitted the 31-year-old Joe, from London, to FS magazine, an imprint of the GMFA. "The second time I caught it from a friend who gave me a blow job."

Alternately, one David Stuart, to the same publication, is noted as saying that risk is not in itself an inherently bad thing - and perhaps even a good one - so long as men are careful to equip themselves with the agency of understanding the array of both pros and cons that potentially caustic scenarios present.

"Risk is not a bad thing," David Stuart offered in closing. "Just something we need to negotiate. Being confidently informed about how HIV and STIs are transmitted removes the fear that any risk might represent in the bedroom (or wherever sexy stuff happens)."

by Colton Wooten

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