Kate Clinton, Lea DeLaria, Staceyann Chin and More Set for Valentine's Day Rally in NYC


New York, NY - On Tuesday, February 14, women and men throughout the US and in 200 countries worldwide will come together and RISE to end violence against all women and girls (cis, transgender and gender non-conforming) as part of V-Day's massive annual One Billion Rising campaign, including a just-announced rally - "Artistic Uprising - A Call for Revolutionary Love" - to take place in NYC's �Washington Square Park.

The rally will feature performances and speeches by esteemed, high profile artists and activists, including Staceyann Chin, Michael Cunningham, Lea DeLaria, Eve Ensler, New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Donna Auston, Amy Le�n, R. Emery Bright, and more.

The event is being called in a response to the current racist, misogynist, xenophobic political climate where the rights of women, refugees, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQIAGNC people, African Americans, the indigenous, and the poor are at serious risk. �The rally will be a collective experience. Audience members will be invited on stage to rant as part of the Where We Meet artist collective, called the Ranting Box.

One Billion Rising Activists declared February 14th a "Day of Revolutionary Love, Day of RISING," putting out a call for solidarity amongst movements: �

"We declare our love for all who are in harm's way, including refugees, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQI people, Black people, the indigenous, the poor, and women and girls at risk of violence. We vow to see you as our brothers and sisters and fight by your side...We join forces and stand together with the millions of people across the planet who are rising to end violence against and girls and resist racist patriarchy. To protect women who are most often the most vulnerable within marginalized communities. We take part in it to honor our mothers whose bodies and beings and blood carved the path we are walking on. We are rising - we are dancing - to find the new language of these times - built on a deeper education, radical listening, humility and empathy."


MORE INFORMATION: www.facebook.com/events/729824630517709/

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