North Korea Putting Together 'Pleasure Squad' for Kim Jong-Un


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A casting call of sorts has gone out across North Korea in search of women to be a part of a "pleasure squad" dedicated to .. uh .. entertaining dictator Kim Jong-Un.

According to South Korean news agency Chosen Ilbo, now that the proper mourning period for his father Kim Jong Il is over, the babyfaced despot has sent out a call around his isolationist nation in search of "pretty women."

"This has been going on under three generations of the Kim family," said Toshimitsu Shigemura, a North Korean expert at Tokyo's Waseda University. "It is a demonstration of the leader's power over the people and his sexual power."

Parties interested in being a part of Kim's pleasure squad should be trained as singers, dancers and concubines. Having a strong stomach is also recommended but not required.


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