Two: The Story of Roman & Nyro

Michael Cox READ TIME: 2 MIN.

"Documentaries are like reality shows, but they're not fake; they're real," says 10-year-old Roman Shaw Child. This is probably the cutest and funniest line in "Two: The Story of Roman & Nyro," and ironically this line is most likely scripted.

Then again, everything about these twin brothers' lives has been planned carefully in advance; an unexpected pregnancy rarely happens to two fathers.

Through the use of interviews and home footage, this film relates the story of how accomplished songwriter Desmond Child and his husband Curtis Shaw planned and executed the surrogacy and birth of their twin sons Roman and Nyro.

The title "Two" comes from a speech the boys' godfather Jon Bon Jovi made at an elaborate ceremony that was held for the children six months after they were born. Desmond wrote one of Bon Jovi's biggest hits, "Livin' on a Prayer." (This is what I mean by an accomplished songwriter.)

It's likely that this sweet little family would never have come into existence if it weren't for the deeply held spiritual beliefs of the boys' fathers. It was only after a pilgrimage to India that Desmond confronted a fellow believer, Angela Whittaker, and asked her to be a surrogate mother to his twin sons.

She wasn't instantly amenable to the idea, and even as the children were being born she had hesitations, but prophetic dreams led her to believe this experience was foreordained. Even spiritual guide Deepak Chopra foretold the coming of these children.

We get a look at the backgrounds of each of the major players in this story and the way their diverse lives came together. We also hear how the hearts of the people around the gay couple (like Curtis' mother, a staunch Christian) softened over time.

The only real conflict in this tale is the audiences' knowledge that society frowns on Desmond and Curtis' union. The deeper trials of raising a family are surprisingly absent; either these two boys are the most well-behaved children on earth, or some of the details have been tastefully left out. Nevertheless, the point of this documentary is to inspire, not to record the gritty truth.

The theme is love and openness to new experiences (with a little bit of success and money added into the mix) that brings all kinds of families together.

Special features include: the official trailer, two music videos of the theme song ("Make it Love" by Levi Hummon), footage of the couple's wedding, outtakes and extended interviews. I could care less about music videos, and the theme music struck me at first as just so much sap, but the song actually grows on you.

"Two: The Story of Roman & Nyro"

by Michael Cox

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