Homeschooling Group Enlists Toddlers to Fight Pro-Gay Candidate


Remember when the most lethal little thing in New Mexico was a scorpion? Wait until these little ankle biters are released.

A homeschooling group in New Mexico that is seeking to unseat a State Representative instrumental in passing marriage equality in the state is enlisting the help of homeschoolers "who can walk" to campaign for a right-wing agenda, and then count the school hours as "community service." ProgressNow NM reports.

An email sent to members of New Mexico homeschool co-op is ostensibly encouraging parents to have their kids play hooky by taking time out of regular school hours to go door-to-door campaigning against Bill�McCamley, the incumbent representative who supported the state's recently enacted right for same-sex couples to marry.

The email to parents reads:

Can you please send this out to the Homeschool Group?
Neal Hooks (former homeschool dad) �is running for State Representative in District 33 against Bill�McCamley, who is the incumbent. Your Homeschool Co-Op meets in District 33.

On Bill�McCamley's door hanger it says "One of the proudest things Bill has done was work with Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Elinns in marrying same-sex couples. �No one should be discriminated against based on who they love, and Bill will always back laws that protect people's rights to live in happiness without fear of being treated differently for who they are." �I copied word for word ~ any "run-ons" �is his fault:)

I would like to ask the Homeschool group for young people, who can walk in Neal's District and hang Neal's door hangers. �We will start this Friday, August 1st at 9:00 AM [..] �My plan is to go to certain areas, park car, kids split into two groups, one on each side of the street hanging the door hangers. Then back to the car and drive to the next street.

I am sure this could be counted as community service and Government extracurricular activities.

Republican challenger, Neal Hooks faces an uphill battle against his Democratic opponent Bill McCamley, who won 61% of the vote in 2012. Not surprisingly, Hook's position on social issues is very conservative to say the least.

In the "Family and Values" page of his website, he states:

Out of Wedlock pregnancies, rampant divorce rates, and the push of homosexual agenda in our schools are destroying us. Therefore, I firmly stand for anything that strengthens the family unit and our values, and I will oppose all legislation that seeks to undermine them.


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