Utah Gay Couples Sue State for Right to Marry

Chris Sosa READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Even though the U.S. Supreme Court has started hearing arguments on the legality of same-sex marriages, three gay couples in Utah are suing the state in federal court, seeking the right to marry.

The lawsuit, filed on March 25, asks the court to declare the Utah Amendment 3 law unconstitutional under the due process and equal protections clauses of the 14th Amendment. It seeks a permanent injunction preventing the state from enforcing its ban on same-sex marriage, according to Deseret News.

Derek Kitchen and Moudi Sbiety and Laurie Wood and Kody Partridge are challenging the law's definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. Karen Archer and Kate Call are suing to have their marriage recognized. The pair was married in Iowa.

Besides their lawsuit, the couples are joined by Restore Our Humanity in the fight against Amendment 3. According to GaySaltLake.com, the group's efforts are still in the beginning phases and many details, such as the exact lawyers and firms participating in the challenge, are not ready to be released.

Restore Our Humanity spokesperson, Matt Spencer told GaySaltLake.com that their fight is with Utah.

"This is a Utah issue, period," Spencer said. "It's so great to see what's happening around the country and there is so much movement and energy behind this movement."

The group plans of having their first fundraiser on April 7.

by Chris Sosa

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