Idaho Bar Won't Sell Brands Owners Deem Pro-Gay

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The owners of a popular bar and grill in Waha, Id., say they will no longer sell the products of companies that support LGBT rights, such as Pepsi and MillerCoors, Idaho news station NWCN reported.

Mike and Mari Fuller, who own Waha Bar and Grill, said they have banned the products of companies that support the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC).

"The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is an entity that collects money from major corporations to further promote policies for the gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders," Mike Fuller said. "And as Christians, we don't support that."

The couple have owned the restaurant for about four years and said they made their decision about what products to carry just one year after they opened.

"Whether it's for political correctness or pressure from gay activists groups or perceived profit over moral principle, major corporations are increasing their support for issues like gay marriage," Mike Fuller said. The fullers are open about their feelings towards same-sex marriage and they said they don't care if they lose customers over their views.

"They choose to leave and go somewhere else," Mari Fuller said. "Which for us that's fine. That's how we are. We make our decisions on what we like, what we want to purchase and buy and everybody else has that same right."

Some customers support the couple, however. Mike Daniels argues that they have the right to sell the products they want.

"They can sell anything they want. It doesn't make any difference to me. I'm going to stop here anyhow," Daniels said.

The couple said they will start selling the blacklisted products if those companies stop working with the NGLCC.

Rich Ferraro, GLAAD's spokesman, commented on the issue.

"Treat others the way you want to be treated," he said. "The NGLCC works to secure a culture where gay people, including young adults, do not feel bullied. And it's unfair policies like this that contribute to bullying and can even lead to violence."

Karina Diehl, MillerCoors' spokeswoman, defended the company's stance in a statement.

"MillerCoors has a strong track record of supporting the diversity of our employees as well as the communities in which we work and live. Due to the diversity and breadth of our consumers and because we believe in supporting the many communities we serve, we support myriad organizations across the country. The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is one of many organizations we are proud to support."

Mike Fuller responded to GLAAD's statement and said he and his wife are not promoting bullying but are responding to policies that go against their Christian beliefs.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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