LUSH Shops Stage 'Kiss and Tell' In Fight for Same-Sex Marriage

Robert Doyle READ TIME: 2 MIN.

LUSH believes that all of its employees, customers and communities are valued and should be protected equally.

Because of this, LUSH wants to end the ongoing discrimination against tens of thousands of same-sex couples and their families across America. This means everyone - gay and non-gay - having the freedom to marry, with the same responsibilities, dignity, security, and expression of love and equality.

For two weeks starting on June 13th, LUSH is turning its shops across North America into 'freedom to marry campaign centers' where customers can learn about the 1,138 rights denied to same-sex couples and sign a postcard petition urging the federal government to take action and overturn the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

LUSH is also asking customers to take a bath and help dissolve DOMA by purchasing the new limited edition Freedom Foamer Bubble Bar ($5.95).

100% of the proceeds of this emerald green bubble bar will go to Freedom to Marry to support their "Why Marriage Matters" campaign.

Scented with the uplifting and refreshing scents of lemon, lime and grapefruit oils, the Freedom Foamer will be available exclusively online and at LUSH stores across North America for the duration of the campaign. It's the perfect antidote to weary soles and a respite for freedom fighters

Freedom Foamer is launching the week of June 13th and will be available online and at LUSH stores nationwide for the duration of the campaign.


LUSH is inviting the public and their pouts down to most of their stores to kiss in support of marriage for same-sex couples and to sign postcards telling the government to end the ongoing discrimination against tens of thousands of couples and families across America.

The nationwide 'Kiss and Tell' will be taking place at most LUSH stores at exactly 11:38 a.m. to signify the number of protections, responsibilities and rights that are currently denied to same-sex couples and their families under the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The list of participating shops can be found here:

For more information on LUSH's Freedom to Marry Campaign:

by Robert Doyle

Long-term New Yorkers, Mark and Robert have also lived in San Francisco, Boston, Provincetown, D.C., Miami Beach and the south of France. The recipient of fellowships at MacDowell, Yaddo, and Blue Mountain Center, Mark is a PhD in American history and literature, as well as the author of the novels Wolfchild and My Hawaiian Penthouse. Robert is the producer of the documentary We Are All Children of God. Their work has appeared in numerous publications, as well as at :

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