Jai Rodriquez: Fab Five was then, acting is now

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Jai Rodriguez is best known as the culture guide on the Bravo network's Emmy-winning American reality television program Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

He has also co-authored the New York Times best selling book, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: The Fab Five's Guide to Looking Better, Cooking Better, Dressing Better, Behaving Better, and Living Better. (That's a mouth-full)

We have seen Jai on Broadway, MTV, Court TV, The Animal Planet... omg do I have to go on!? He is everywhere! Most recently Jai was also featured in our iconic goddess, Lady Gaga's Music Video for "Telephone"

This Puerto Rican/ Italian hunk has taken our hearts by storm and we love every moment of it! He sings, dances, acts and is just plain gorgeous!

Jai, please sing us a lullaby as we lay our heads to sleep! We are waiting!

We got a chance to talk to Jai about the past, present and future...

JM: Everyone saw you in Lady Gaga's most recent Music Video for "Telephone" Did you get to work with her? If so, how was the experience?

Jai: The video was shot out in the desert and was very fast paced. I played a reporter and we quickly moved from one scene to another so I didn't get to work directly with Lady Gaga, but we all did our part to make an amazing final product.

JM: How did acting in a Music Video Differ from acting in Film/ TV or Theatre?

Jai: The "acting" for my character was actually a challenge because they wanted a real news reporter and shot my footage on an actual news camera, NOT a film camera. I got to write my own "copy" as if the crime really happened, so what I say in the video are lines that I actually wrote myself.

JM: You're kind of the jack of all trades, you write, act, sing, and dance? What do you prefer to do?

Jai: I love entertaining a live audience. Being on a mic with a band behind me is where I feel the most comfortable.

JM: What/ Who inspired you to become an Entertainer?

Jai: I wish I could say a person inspired me, but to be honest my mom was kind of against me becoming an entertainer. I think the ability to express myself through performing was what kept me interested and going in that direction.

JM: What is your favorite hangout/ club in West Hollywood? Why?

Jai: I would say Baby Blues BBQ in WeHo! They have the BEST wings (my favorite snack) and 3-dollar drinks from 1-7pm. I am there a lot at happy hour!

JM: Tell me about your last album "Broken," are you planning on releasing another record?

Jai: My last EP was a self titled record. "Broken" was the first single I released on it because it was the song that best showcased my voice and the fact that I wasn't just a guy from TV doing a record, but that I could actually sing.

JM: Would you be interested in Broadway again?

Jai: Yes! I would kill to be in the musical In the Heights!

JM: What is playing in your iPod/ mp3 player right now?

Jai: Mostly Top 40!

JM: What is your favorite song to perform and why?

Jai: Probably "Heart of the Matter." An ex recommeded I sing it and then the relationship became abusive. So when I perform it now, the song comes from a much deeper place.

JM: What is next for Jai Rodriguez?

Jai: I am currently in Toronto, Canada, getting ready to film a new series for the CW. We are shooting the pilot next week here, and I am so excited. If it goes forward this will be my first series regular role on a scripted series.

Follow Jai Rodriquez on Twitter HERE: http://twitter.com/jairodriguez

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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